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Loans from the Student Union

Eine Hand tut Münzen in einen Geldbeutel.

The Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein has set up a loan fund from its own resources with the purpose of enabling you to start, continue and complete your studies in a financial emergency by granting interest-free loans for a limited period of time.

Our Student Life Advice Centre can answer any questions you may have about loans from the Studentenwerk SH. Please get in touch with us!

We can help you!

Contact persons

Paula Jirka
Paula Jirka
Student life counselling
Consultant Kiel
Room 5, Counselling Centre in Mensa II (Leibnizstraße 12-14), 24118 Kiel
Further informationOffice hours
Johanna Usinger
Johanna Usinger
Counselling Student life
Consultant Kiel
Room 1, Counselling Centre in Mensa II (Leibnizstraße 12-14), 24118 Kiel
Further informationOffice hours
Ramona López
Ramona López
Advice on student life
Student Life Advisor Kiel
Room 4, Counselling Centre in Mensa II (Leibnizstraße 12-14), 24118 Kiel
Further informationOffice hours
Stefanie Prüss
Stefanie Prüss
Counselling Student life
Consultant Lübeck and Wedel
Room 43, office in the canteen building, Mönkhofer Weg 241, 23562 Lübeck
Further informationOffice hours
Janne Marie Wolter
Janne Marie Wolter
Counselling Student life
Consultant Flensburg
Thomas-Fincke-Str. 7, 24943 Flensburg
Further informationOffice hours
Beatrice Richter-Bethge
Beatrice Richter-Bethge
Counselling Student life
Consultant Heide/Flensburg
Heide: Room 0.44, Office FH Westküste, Fritz-Thiedemann-Ring 20, 25746 Heide/Flensburg: Mensa, 2nd floor, Thomas-Fincke-Str. 20 24943 Flensburg
Further informationOffice hours
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+49 431 8816-0
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