Loans from the Student Union
The Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein has set up a loan fund from its own resources with the purpose of enabling you to start, continue and complete your studies in a financial emergency by granting interest-free loans for a limited period of time.
Our Student Life Advice Centre can answer any questions you may have about loans from the Studentenwerk SH. Please get in touch with us!
You can apply for the loan if
- you are in a temporary financial emergency and
- you have no other means of financing your living expenses, and
- the start, continuation or completion of your studies is jeopardised.
You can find more information about our graduation loan on our topic page.
You can obtain the application documents and further information on site at the Student Life Counselling Service. We will talk to you to clarify
- whether you fulfil the requirements for a loan
- how much and for how long you can get a loan and
- whether there are other financing options.
Yes, so that we can be sure that the loan will be repaid to us and other students can be supported with loans, a guarantee must be submitted with the application.
The guarantor is a person who
- has a regular income,
- lives in Germany and
- takes over the repayment of your loan in the event that you do not repay it.
Our guidelines stipulate who can receive a loan and under what conditions. An allocation committee, which also includes students, usually discusses the applications once a month and then makes a recommendation to our management. They then decide on the applications.
There is no legal entitlement.
The loan is interest-free. You pay it back to us in agreed instalments after your studies at the latest. If you have applied for the loan because you are waiting for your BAföG payment, the loan will be repaid to us directly with your BAföG back payment.
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