Studying with a child
In Germany, the proportion of students with children is around six per cent. Reconciling studying, childcare and often employment is of course a particular challenge. That's why it's particularly important for you to be well informed about all the support options!
We offer affordable family flats in the halls of residence near your university at many locations. In Kiel, Flensburg and Lübeck, you can have your children looked after in one of our daycare centres. We also welcome children in our canteens. There are highchairs, play corners, nappy-changing facilities and free children's meals. You can find out more under the heading Children's meals.
By the way: Our advice centre in Mensa II in Kiel is officially a "breastfeeding-friendly place" of the city of Kiel.
Or take advantage of our Student Life Counselling service to get support for your individual situation. We often deal with the following questions:
- How can I reconcile studying and childcare?
- How will my student finance and housing situation change?
- What financial aid can I apply for?
- Where can I get what help?
You can find a detailed overview of counselling services and contact points at your university location, financial aid, legal bases and information on childcare in a compact format in our brochure Studying with a child.
With a child, you have less time for your studies. Weigh up whether it is better for you to take a semester off due to pregnancy/maternity leave/childcare or to remain enrolled throughout and stretch out your studies. Consider the respective advantages and disadvantages and the possible consequences! You can find a decision-making guide in our brochure "Studying with a child".
In the following, you will find an overview of the financial assistance you can apply for as a parent. The benefits are tied to different conditions and influence each other. It is therefore essential that you seek advice from us!
First of all: Some benefits are calculated depending on your income and assets or your needs group and are only granted if you are needy, i.e. if you cannot finance your living costs otherwise.
Possible benefits during your pregnancy or after the birth of your child. 1:
1. if you are on leave
- If applicable, benefits for living expenses and accommodation costs as well as necessary contributions to health and long-term care insurance (Job Centre) or, if applicable, housing allowance for your household (housing allowance authority).
- If applicable, additional requirements for pregnancy (Job Centre)
- If applicable, one-off benefit: initial equipment for pregnancy and birth (Job Centre)
- If applicable, benefits from the Mother and Child Foundation (pregnancy counselling centres)
- If applicable, maternity benefit during the maternity protection period (health insurance / Federal Social Security Office)
- If applicable, additional needs for single parents after birth (Job Centre)
- Parental allowance (State Office for Social Services)
- If applicable, child benefit for you (Familienkasse)
2. if you are not on leave
- If applicable, BAföG (Amt für Ausbildungsförderung - Office for the Promotion of Education) or continued parental support
- If you receive BAföG: Monthly childcare allowance (Amt für Ausbildungsförderung)
- If applicable, additional requirements for pregnancy (Job Centre)
- If applicable, one-off benefit: initial equipment for pregnancy and birth (Job Centre)
- If applicable, benefits from the Mother and Child Foundation (pregnancy counselling centres)
- If applicable, maternity benefit during the maternity protection period (health insurance / Federal Social Security Office)
- If applicable, additional needs for single parents after birth (Job Centre)
- Parental allowance (State Office for Social Services)
- If applicable, housing benefit for your household or your own share of the rent (housing benefit authority)
- Child benefit for you, if applicable (Familienkasse)
Possible benefits for your child:
- Child benefit (Familienkasse)
- Maintenance or maintenance advance (Jugendamt Unterhaltsvorschusskasse)
- If applicable, child supplement (Familienkasse)
- If applicable, social benefit (Jobcenter) or, if applicable, housing allowance for the household community
- If applicable, birth grant from the Studentenwerk (Student Union)
You can find more information in our brochure "Studying with a Child". A good overview of relevant topics and practical functions such as the "Parental Allowance Calculator", the "Child Allowance Calculator" and application forms can be found on the Family Portal of the Federal Ministry.
The Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein grants student mothers and fathers an allowance of 130 euros towards the costs of baby and infant equipment upon application after the birth. The allowance is intended as support in case of special need. This benefit is paid out of the student's social contributions, so please check yourself before applying whether you are dependent on the birth allowance from the Studentenwerk or whether you have sufficient income, assets or reserves to make the necessary purchases.
You must apply for the allowance within six months of the birth. In addition to the completed application form, you must enclose a copy of the birth certificate and the certificate of enrolment for the semester of the birth. You can download the birth grant application form. You can also obtain further information from the Student Life Advice Service.
The Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein supports students with children with a free Studi-Kinderteller. Children of students up to the age of six receive a free children's meal from the main menu in our dining halls. For this purpose, the Studi-Kinderteller ID card must be presented at the serving counter and cashier's desk and the child's own meal must be paid for cashlessly with the Campus Card or a student ID card with Campus Card function.
We will send you the "Studi-Kinderteller" ID card by mail. It is valid in conjunction with a valid student ID up to the child's age of six. If you would like to use the child plate, please fill out our child plate application.
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