Student loans
The Studentenwerk SH offers you information on loan and credit options. We will advise you in detail on financing, taking your individual situation into account. Our intention is to talk to you to find ways of avoiding a loan or at least minimising it as much as possible.
We will therefore look together to see whether you can draw on other sources such as BAföG, parental support, scholarships or a job.
Due to the current interest rate development of the KFW student loan, we advise against using it without careful consideration if possible.
The list below is not exhaustive. There may be further offers depending on the subject, location and individual situation.
Student loan tests can also provide you with an initial orientation:
- of the Centre for Higher Education Development
- the Stiftung Warentest
- "Studis-Online" also provides an overview of student loan providers and lists alternatives
Overview of student loans
The loan is granted regardless of university, subject and grades. The financing amount is between 100 and 650 euros per month.
The monthly disbursement amount can be changed semester by semester upon application.
Funding is available for both first and second degree studies, as well as additional, supplementary or postgraduate studies (including a doctorate).
Depending on age and semester, up to 14 semesters of funding are possible.
Detailed information can be found at
The interest rate is variable and market-oriented and is always fixed on 01.04. and 01.10. for half a year each.
You can get an overview of the individual costs via the repayment calculator of the KfW development bank.
Please feel free to ask us any questions you may have about the KfW student loan. Do not sign a contract too quickly!
Loans are granted via the Federal Office of Administration (BVA). The instalments are paid out via the Kreditanstalt für Wiederausbau (KFW).
The loan is granted regardless of the university, subject and grades. Funding is also available for second and subsequent courses.
The loan volume ranges from EUR 1,000 to EUR 7,200, with a choice of up to 24 monthly instalments of EUR 100, EUR 200 or EUR 300. A one-off payment of up to EUR 3,600 for training-related expenses is also possible on request. The interest rate is lower than the KFW student loan due to the federal guarantee.
If you are studying for a Bachelor's degree, you must have passed the preliminary examination or, if a preliminary examination is not planned, you must have completed the first year of study in full in order to be eligible for the education loan. Furthermore, you may not study beyond the twelfth university semester.
In the event that you exceed the twelfth university semester, you will need to submit your admission to the final examination.
You can find detailed information on the website of the Federal Office of Administration.
You can use the repayment calculator of the KfW development bank to get an overview of the individual costs and compare them with the KfW student loan.
If you have any questions about the student loan, please contact us. Under no circumstances should you sign a contract prematurely!
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