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Eine Gruppe junger Menschen sitzt an einem Tisch. Sie schneiden Gemüse.

A home is an important place during your studies! It's where you prepare for your next exam, recover from your last seminar and spend cooking evenings with your friends. The Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein offers 3,217 places in 22 halls of residence. This means you can live and study close to campus, at low cost and together with your fellow students.

Residence administration office hours
Our residence administration team is your point of contact for all housing-related questions. You can get advice over the phone or in person. We also offer longer consultations via video. Simply contact us by email with your preferred appointment time.
Telephone consultation hours:
Mon-Fri 9am to 1pm + Mon 2pm to 3pm
Personal consultation hours:
Mon-Wed, Fri 10am to 1pm + Mon 2pm to 3pm
All contact persons can be found below.

Eine Studentin liegt gemütlich auf einem Teppich. Vor ihr steht ein Laptop, auf den sie schaut. Um sie herum liegen verschiedene Dokumente.


Do you have a question about applying to our halls of residence or about the application process? Do you want to find out again whether you have to pay a deposit and where you should transfer it to? We answer all these questions and many more in our FAQs about accommodation.
If you can't find the answer you're looking for, please contact our hall of residence administration.

Find out more

Contact persons

We are happy to help!

Astrid Dürkoop
Student housing
Department Manager
Westring 385, 24118 Kiel
Katrin Bischoff
Student housing
Head of dormitory administration
Westring 385, 24118 Kiel
Further informationOffice hours
Merle Petersen
Student housing
Dormitory administration
Westring 385, 24118 Kiel
Further informationOffice hours
Julia Singh
Student housing
Dormitory administration
Westring 385, 24118 Kiel
Further informationOffice hours
Maren Thiesen
Student housing
Dormitory administration
Westring 385, 24118 Kiel
Further informationOffice hours
Further topics

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