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International students

Eine deutsche Studentin und ein internationaler Student gehen gemeinsam durch die Mensa und unterhalten sich.

Our counselling team supports international students with all questions regarding student life in Germany. We offer advice, events and information if you are new to Germany or face various challenges during your studies. With our Study Buddy Programme and our Meet and Eat offer, you have two opportunities to get to know your fellow students and make friends.

We advise you on all questions concerning student life in Germany

  • how to find a room
  • how to get in touch with Germans,
  • which health insurance is best for you,
  • what you need to know about working in Germany,
  • how to finance your studies,
  • If you get into financial difficulties
  • if you are pregnant or in Germany with your children
  • if you have received a letter from an authority that you do not understand.

Even if you don't know whether you are in the right place with your question - feel free to contact us. We'll find out together and pass you on to the right place.

Arriving in Germany: general info


Make friends

We are here for you!

Contact persons

Johanna Usinger
Johanna Usinger
Counselling Student life
Consultant Kiel
Room 1, Counselling Centre in Mensa II (Leibnizstraße 12-14), 24118 Kiel
Further informationOffice hours
Stefanie Prüss
Stefanie Prüss
Counselling Student life
Consultant Lübeck and Wedel
Room 43, office in the canteen building, Mönkhofer Weg 241, 23562 Lübeck
Further informationOffice hours
Janne Marie Wolter
Janne Marie Wolter
Counselling Student life
Consultant Flensburg
Thomas-Fincke-Str. 7, 24943 Flensburg
Further informationOffice hours
Beatrice Richter-Bethge
Beatrice Richter-Bethge
Counselling Student life
Consultant Heide/Flensburg
Heide: Room 0.44, Office FH Westküste, Fritz-Thiedemann-Ring 20, 25746 Heide/Flensburg: Mensa, 2nd floor, Thomas-Fincke-Str. 20 24943 Flensburg
Further informationOffice hours
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