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You are artistically active and have always wanted to present your works to the public in an exhibition? Then feel free to contact us! We not only have the appropriate know-how and offer you support in planning, but also have through our various facilities in which exhibitions are possible.

You can currently view the following permanent exhibitions during our opening hours:

"Nature's Little Creatures" - Photo exhibition.

Artist: Vibha Nihalani

Location: Cafeteria of Mensa II, Leibnizstr. 14, 24118 Kiel
Time: Permanent exhibition, opening hours Cafeteria II

The 24 year old Vibha Nihalani was born and raised in India. She is currently doing her Master's degree in AgriGenomics at Christian Albrechts University in Kiel. Since childhood, she has been interested in photography - not only in taking pictures herself, but also in being photographed. When her parents gave her a camera, she started right away. Her first picture with that camera was a lizard attacking an insect. The camera became her constant companion to capture all the beautiful things around her. Over time, she discovered her love for nature and animals. The goal of photography for her is to preserve all that is not recurring.

During the time of her graduation in India, she had the opportunity to participate in a course of Wild Life photography. In it, Indian photographer Nevil Zaveri taught her to optimize her shooting technique by using different camera functions. She also participated in photo exhibitions while still in India.

Nature’s Little Creatures

Die Nahaufnahme eines Krebses auf Sand.
Die Nahaufnahme eines Schmetterlings, der auf einer orangefarbenen Blume sitzt. Der Hintergrund ist grün.
Die Nahaufnahme eines Katzengesichts. Der Hintergrund ist verschwommen.

(In)equations? A pair of photos - photo exhibition

Artists: Participants of the photo courses of the Student Union

Location: Wandelgang der Mensa I, 1. OG, Westring 385, 24118 Kiel
Time: Permanent exhibition, opening hours Mensa I

The group of photographers exhibiting their work came together as part of the photography courses offered by the Studentenwerk SH. The idea of the course leader Dietmar Fiedler was to create a photo show with creative students without any guidelines. Not the starting point should be thematically or technically defined, but the goal. As a result, images of different genres are represented, taken both analog and digital, with SLR cameras as well as smartphones.

Since it did not make much sense to the course instructor to subsequently squeeze the collection of images into a traditional framework, he was fascinated by the idea of allowing the individual shots to enter into a dialogue with one another. Thus, in various group meetings, some pairs of pictures were found whose interaction with each other triggers attention in the viewer. On the one hand, the juxtaposition of seemingly dissimilar partners reinforces their individuality; on the other hand, the search for commonalities and points of connection generates something new on an abstract level.


Zu sehen sind zwei Fotografien. Das obere Bild zeigt ein historisch aussehendes Gebäude an einer Promenade. Links sieht man das Meer. Die untere Fotografie zeigt eine Promenade bei Nacht. Das Licht der Laternen spiegelt sich im Wasser. Am linken Bild
Zu sehen sind zwei Fotografien. Auf der linken Fotografie ist die Silhouette eines Fischers auf einem Boot im Meer zu sehen. Im Hintergrund befinden sich zwei weitere Boote. Auf der rechten Fotografie gehen zwei Frauen und zwei Männer durch eine Stad
Zu sehen sind zwei Fotografien. Das obere Bild zeigt die Nahaufnahme einer roten Blüte mit Blütenstempel. Die untere Fotografie zeigt das Sonnensegel eines Gebäudes vor blauem Himmel.

"Natural Moments" - Photo exhibition

Artist: Vibha Nihalani

Location: Wandelgang der Mensa I, 1. OG, Westring 385, 24118 Kiel
Time: Permanent exhibition, opening hours Mensa I

Vibha Nihalani, who already shows photographs in the cafeteria of Mensa II in Kiel, now exhibits new motifs of her work in a second exhibition. "The best thing about nature photography is that a long search for beautiful motifs is not necessary, even for city dwellers. Nature is everywhere, it just depends on how we want to see it. My photo exhibition is based on ordinary moments that we encounter every day. The interesting thing is the way we perceive these moments. The images are an expression of how I see nature."

Natural Moments

Man sieht die Silhouette einer Frau, die ein Kind auf dem Arm trägt und einen Korb auf ihrem Kopf transportiert. Sie geht durch die Natur. Im Hintergrund sind die Silhouetten von Bäumen zu sehen. Der Himmel leuchtet rot. Die Sonne geht gerade unter.
Das Bild zeigt eine glatte Wasseroberfläche. Aus dem Wasser ragen mehrere Äste. In der Mitte des Bildes sitzt eine Ente im Wasser. Im Hintergrund sind Fischernetze zu sehen.
We are happy to help!


Johannes Heil
Johannes Heil
Culture & Event Management
Head of Cultural & Event Management
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