Day care centers in Kiel
The Studentenwerk operates four daycare centers at the largest university location in Schleswig-Holstein. Our pedagogical staff will take care of your child so that you can relax and attend your lectures and seminars, do research in the library or write your next term paper. In Kiel, we care for children from the age of six months. The youngest are best cared for in our campus crèche.
Children come into the world with the ability to learn and many positive characteristics (for example, joy, curiosity, desire to experiment). Every child is an "explorer" who independently acquires the world and educates himself/herself.
In order to be able to educate themselves, children need an environment in which they feel safe and secure. We offer each child a fixed group as a safe framework. Through partially open offerings, each child has the opportunity to shape his or her own daily routine, depending on age, stage of development, needs and desires.
Especially in the toddler age, all learning is linked to movement. Therefore, the promotion of movement is a focus of the pedagogical work in our daycare center in order to create good conditions for the children's development.
In two crèche groups, one elementary group and one mixed-age group, we offer 57 places for children aged from six months to school entry.
You can find detailed information in our concept and in the Kita-Portal Schleswig-Holstein. If we have aroused your interest, please use our application for admission to be placed on the joint waiting list of the Kiel daycare centers of the Studentenwerk.
Olshausenstraße 64b
24118 Kiel
Care hours
Core time
Mon-Fri: 8.00 a.m.-4.00 p.m.
Off-peak group according to availability
Mo-Fr: 7.00-8.00 a.m. and 4.00-5.00 p.m.
Every child comes into the world with a unique personality. What all children have in common is the will to learn with the aim of becoming independent and autonomous. This means that the children themselves are the actors in their own development, each at their own pace. Our overriding goal in our educational work with the children is borrowed from Maria Montessori and is: Help me to do it myself.
In our crèche group, we can look after ten children aged between eight months and three years.
You can find detailed information in our concept and on the Kita-Portal Schleswig-Holstein. If we have aroused your interest, please use our application for admission to be placed on the joint waiting list of the Kiel childcare centres of the Studentenwerk.
Grenzstraße 17
24149 Kiel
Childcare times
Core hours
Mon-Fri 8.00-16.00
Fringe group subject to availability
Mon-Fri 7.00-8.00 and 16.00-17.00
Children are naturally curious, enthusiastic, motivated and always looking for new challenges. We see the children as independent personalities who learn holistically and offer them the necessary space and the appropriate support to open up their world.
At the Kita im Wissenschaftspark, we offer fixed group structures. Secure and stable bonds with the caregivers in the groups are a basic prerequisite for the children's self-education processes and development opportunities.
Movement plays an important role in our daycare center. A variety of movement activities provide the children with positive physical experiences and contribute to their health.
We care for 111 children from the age of two months until they start school. There are three nursery groups, one mixed-age group and three elementary groups.
You can find detailed information in our concept and in the Kita-Portal Schleswig-Holstein. If we have aroused your interest, please use our application for admission to be placed on the joint waiting list of the Kiel daycare centers of the Studentenwerk.
Einsteinstraße 3
24118 Kiel
Care hours
Core time
Mon-Fri: 8.00 a.m. -4.00 a.m.
Off-peak group according to availability
Mon-Fri: 7.00-8.00 a.m. and 4.00-5.00 p.m.
The Campus nursery is a small family institution whose pedagogical staff accompany the developmental paths of the children with great professionalism, a sense of responsibility and a lot of joy in their work.
The pedagogical staff of the Campus crèche see themselves in the role of benevolent developmental companions who recognize and respond to the individual needs and interests of the children. In this function, they meet the children with empathy and appreciation, which is shown in respect, attentiveness and acceptance.
Situations are created in which the child can test and learn to act independently. In the nursery there are two groups with 20 places, in which we care for children from the age of six months to three years.
Detailed information can be found in our concept and in the Kita-Portal Schleswig-Holstein. If we have aroused your interest, please use our application for admission to be placed on the waiting list for the Kiel daycare centers of the Studentenwerk.
Westring 383
24118 Kiel
Care hours
Core time
Mon-Fri: 8.00 a.m. -14.oo p.m. Uhr
Off-peak group according to availability
Mon-Fri: 7.00-8.00 a.m. and 4.00-5.00 p.m.