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Eine Frau sitzt auf einem Sessel und spricht mit einer anderen Person, von der nur der Rücken und die langen Haare zu sehen sind. Zwischen ihnen steht ein kleiner Tisch, auf dem zwei Gläser, eine Kanne und einige Flyer liegen.

If you get into financial difficulties during the course of your studies, don't bury your head in the sand, but contact us early on. We - the staff at the Counselling for Student Life - will work out your individual options with you and show you further offers of help. Counselling sessions are confidential and can be conducted anonymously.

You are welcome to prepare for our counselling session in advance. It is helpful, for example, to draw up a financial overview of your income and expenditure. This will make any financial gaps visible and make it easier for you to work with us to find a solution to your financial emergency.


You can find a selection of options here:

Loan from the Studentenwerk SH

  • In emergencies, we grant an interest-free loan from the SH loan fund.
  • Information on this can be found on a separate page

Debt counselling

The debt counselling service helps with all financial difficulties and supports you professionally

  • in balancing your income and expenditure,
  • communicating with creditors
  • or show you the possibilities of partial debt cancellation.

You can find your local debt counselling service on the website of Schulderberatung Schleswig-Holstein.


Freiessen is a service provided by Studentenwerk SH for students in emergency situations. A repayment-free amount of 50 euros is loaded onto your Campus Card so that you can eat free of charge in the canteens. You can obtain more information and the application form from the Student Life Advice Centre.

BAföG advance payments/graduation assistance

If your parents refuse to provide information about their income situation or do not pay maintenance in accordance with the law, you can apply for an advance payment. You may also be eligible for graduation assistance. You can find more information in our BAföG FAQ.

Social benefits/foundation funds

These options depend on your individual situation and where you are studying. They can be, for example

  • Housing benefit
  • Benefits according to the 2nd Social Security Code (SGB II), e.g. additional needs, hardship loans
  • One-off financial aid from funds and foundations

You can find out more details in a personal consultation at the Student Life Advice Centre.

Student loans

We have provided detailed information on a separate page.

Savings opportunities

You can save money, for example

  • at swap meets
  • charity shops
  • food banks or
  • food sharing offers
  • Advice from help centres for (young) people in your city
  • Help from churches and parishes
  • Offers of help at your university

You can find out about local opportunities at the Student Life Advice Centre at your place of study.

We are happy to help!

Contact persons

Ramona López
Ramona López
Advice on student life
Student Life Advisor Kiel
Room 4, Counselling Centre in Mensa II (Leibnizstraße 12-14), 24118 Kiel
Further informationOffice hours
Paula Jirka
Paula Jirka
Student life counselling
Consultant Kiel
Room 5, Counselling Centre in Mensa II (Leibnizstraße 12-14), 24118 Kiel
Further informationOffice hours
Stefanie Prüss
Stefanie Prüss
Counselling Student life
Consultant Lübeck and Wedel
Room 43, office in the canteen building, Mönkhofer Weg 241, 23562 Lübeck
Further informationOffice hours
Janne Marie Wolter
Janne Marie Wolter
Counselling Student life
Consultant Flensburg
Thomas-Fincke-Str. 7, 24943 Flensburg
Further informationOffice hours
Beatrice Richter-Bethge
Beatrice Richter-Bethge
Counselling Student life
Consultant Heide/Flensburg
Heide: Room 0.44, Office FH Westküste, Fritz-Thiedemann-Ring 20, 25746 Heide/Flensburg: Mensa, 2nd floor, Thomas-Fincke-Str. 20 24943 Flensburg
Further informationOffice hours
Johanna Usinger
Johanna Usinger
Counselling Student life
Consultant Kiel
Room 1, Counselling Centre in Mensa II (Leibnizstraße 12-14), 24118 Kiel
Further informationOffice hours
Further topics

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