Day care center in Flensburg
At the Flensburg daycare center, there is a nursery, a mixed-age group and an elementary group. The children experience free space with us and have a variety of creative opportunities to be able to implement their needs as individually as possible, indoors and outdoors and at any time.
We orient ourselves in our actions and with the offers to the topics of the children. In our group rooms, the children find many opportunities to play. Almost every "educational area" can thus be used throughout the day.
In our daycare center, we care for children from one year old until they start school. There are a total of 45 places.
Detailed information can be found in our concept and in the Kita-Portal Schleswig-Holstein. If you are interested, please use our application form to be put on our waiting list.
Thomas-Fincke-Straße 1
24943 Flensburg
Care hours
Core time
Mo-Fr: 8.00-16.00 Uhr
Off-peak group according to availability
Mo-Fr: 7.00-8.00 a.m. and 4.00-5.00 p.m.