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Das Bild zeigt den Eingangsbereich der Mensa I in Kiel. Über dem Eingang hängt ein blaues Schild auf dem „Studentenwerk SH. Wir sind dein Rückenwind“ steht. Am rechten Bildrand ist der angrenzende Sechseckbau zu sehen. Drei Studenten kommen gerade au

The Studentenwerk SH

The Studentenwerk SH is responsible for ten universities at six university locations and over 60,000 students throughout the state. Around 570 employees work in various areas for the benefit of the students. Incidentally, students have an equal say in the organisation of the Studentenwerk SH, as the self-governing bodies, the Executive Board and the Administrative Board, are made up of an equal number of students and university lecturers.

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At a glance!


From January, we will be setting an example for sustainable nutrition: all hot meals in our canteens will have a CO₂ footprint. But that's just the beginning! With the Green Plate Challenge, we are ...
At the end of the year, a large part of the Studentenwerk SH closes its doors. You can find an overview of the closing times of our departments and facilities here. We wish you happy holidays and a ...
Laurin Schaefgen answers questions about stress at university in a radio programme. Have a listen! ...
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