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Student Financing Overview

Eine Grafik zeigt ein blaues Dach, das von fünf Säulen getragen wird. Auf dem Dach steht „Säulen der Studienfinanzierung“. An den Säulen steht nach einander: 87 % Unterhalt der Eltern, 5 % Studienkredit, 4 % Stipendien, 32 % BAföG und 63 % Jobben.

Studying in the land between the seas is nice, but unfortunately not free. To ensure that your studies don't fail because of your parents' wallet, there are various ways, which we will briefly present here.

The majority of all students receive maintenance from their parents, just under eleven per cent receive BAföG benefits(Statista), six per cent take out a student loan, five per cent receive a scholarship and 70 per cent have a job while studying( You can find out more about these topics on the following pages.

Where do I get the money I need?

Maintenance law is complicated, but in principle, parents are obliged to finance an appropriate education for their children until they have completed it. However, out of the imperative of mutual consideration, children of full age are also obliged to complete this education in a goal-oriented manner.

It is a fact that many parents cannot pay the necessary maintenance in full, and sometimes do not want to. The question then arises as to what alternative or supplementary financing options are available. You can find out about many other alternatives on our website.

Studis Online offers a "Study Financing Check" that allows you to quickly, easily and individually check whether, in addition to BAföG, other sources of money such as child benefit, alimony, housing allowance, unemployment benefit, scholarships, education loans, KfW student loans or other loans and funds are possible for you. In addition to the question of possible assets, it takes into account many individual factors of the person in question or the studies.

We are happy to help you!

Contact persons

Ramona López
Ramona López
Advice on student life
Student Life Advisor Kiel
Room 4, Counselling Centre in Mensa II (Leibnizstraße 12-14), 24118 Kiel
Further informationOffice hours
Johanna Usinger
Johanna Usinger
Counselling Student life
Consultant Kiel
Room 1, Counselling Centre in Mensa II (Leibnizstraße 12-14), 24118 Kiel
Further informationOffice hours
Paula Jirka
Paula Jirka
Student life counselling
Consultant Kiel
Room 5, Counselling Centre in Mensa II (Leibnizstraße 12-14), 24118 Kiel
Further informationOffice hours
Janne Marie Wolter
Janne Marie Wolter
Counselling Student life
Consultant Flensburg
Thomas-Fincke-Str. 7, 24943 Flensburg
Further informationOffice hours
Stefanie Prüss
Stefanie Prüss
Counselling Student life
Consultant Lübeck and Wedel
Room 43, office in the canteen building, Mönkhofer Weg 241, 23562 Lübeck
Further informationOffice hours
Beatrice Richter-Bethge
Beatrice Richter-Bethge
Counselling Student life
Consultant Heide/Flensburg
Heide: Room 0.44, Office FH Westküste, Fritz-Thiedemann-Ring 20, 25746 Heide/Flensburg: Mensa, 2nd floor, Thomas-Fincke-Str. 20 24943 Flensburg
Further informationOffice hours
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