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Auf einer Steinoberfläche steht eine Schüssel mit Salat, Avocado, Kichererbsen, Basilikum, Broccoli, grünem Spargel und Kürbiskernen. Die Oberfläche ist mit einer Gabel, frischen Kräutern und einem Geschirrhandtuch dekoriert.


In our canteens and cafeterias, we label the 14 most common allergenic foods with letter abbreviations. You can find an overview in the serving area and in our online menu.

When selecting food, we favour low-allergen or allergen-free alternatives. Unintentional traces of allergens cannot be completely ruled out and are not labelled by us.

In order to avoid ingredients containing allergens, dishes can be rearranged by swapping or omitting side dishes. We recommend that you pay close attention to the information on the current notice boards in the canteens so that recipe and menu changes can be taken into account at short notice.


Our university catering and all other departments of the Studentenwerk SH attach great importance to sustainability. In our kitchens, we take care to avoid waste, we offer reusable crockery for meals to go and we buy regionally and seasonally.

In our halls of residence, we pay attention to energy-saving construction, energy-efficient modernisation and sustainable building management. Promoting working from home and digital meetings are also part of our everyday life.
If you would like to find out more about sustainability at the Studentenwerk, take a look at our topics page.

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Do you have any questions?

Contact person

Kristin Dahl
Kristin Dahl
University Catering
deputy head of department; quality assurance
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on the handling of user data can be found in our privacy policy.

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