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Court on 17.02.2025
CO₂ Score
Price*Students / Staff / Guests
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
509 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
803 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
1317 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
840 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
524 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
1043 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.
* Prices are valid for students / university members / guests. Organic = from organic production, DE-ÖKO-039 (GfRS). Overview of organic products in the Studentenwerk SH.
Court on 18.02.2025
CO₂ Score
Price*Students / Staff / Guests
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
429 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
913 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
967 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
543 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
524 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
1043 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.
* Prices are valid for students / university members / guests. Organic = from organic production, DE-ÖKO-039 (GfRS). Overview of organic products in the Studentenwerk SH.
Court on 19.02.2025
CO₂ Score
Price*Students / Staff / Guests
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
686 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
423 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
278 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
632 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
175 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
1504 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
524 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
1043 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.
* Prices are valid for students / university members / guests. Organic = from organic production, DE-ÖKO-039 (GfRS). Overview of organic products in the Studentenwerk SH.
Court on 20.02.2025
CO₂ Score
Price*Students / Staff / Guests
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
574 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
412 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
1099 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
824 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
574 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
524 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
1043 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.
* Prices are valid for students / university members / guests. Organic = from organic production, DE-ÖKO-039 (GfRS). Overview of organic products in the Studentenwerk SH.
Court on 21.02.2025
CO₂ Score
Price*Students / Staff / Guests
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
915 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
862 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
2472 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
693 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
524 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
1043 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.
* Prices are valid for students / university members / guests. Organic = from organic production, DE-ÖKO-039 (GfRS). Overview of organic products in the Studentenwerk SH.
Court on 22.02.2025
CO₂ Score
Price*Students / Staff / Guests
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
524 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
1043 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.
* Prices are valid for students / university members / guests. Organic = from organic production, DE-ÖKO-039 (GfRS). Overview of organic products in the Studentenwerk SH.
Court on 23.02.2025
CO₂ Score
Price*Students / Staff / Guests
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
524 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.
CO₂ Score
CO₂ emissions
1043 Gram
CO₂ Score
You can find more information about the environmental score at Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein here.

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