Volunteer work
Study Buddy
In our mentoring program we bring German and international students together. As a German buddy you support your buddy in arriving in Germany and on your campus. You can find detailed information on the Study Buddy Program page.
The Administrative Board is a supervisory body of the Studentenwerk SH. It consists of representatives of the universities. Each university sends two representatives for every 3,000 or so students belonging to it, one of whom is a student elected by the student parliament; the other is a university teacher elected by the university senate or a person from the state of Schleswig-Holstein.
The Executive Board, the executive body of the Studentenwerk SH, reports to the Administrative Board on current work and prepares the necessary resolutions of the Administrative Board, such as the annual report and the business plan. Its members include the managing director, the chairman of the board and two students with equal rights.
The participation of the Administrative Board is manifold. For example, the Board of Directors decides on the election of the members of the Executive Board and the management (after prior presentation to the Board) or on their dismissal and discharge. It approves the business plan, the acquisition of real estate, the taking out of loans (over 100,000 euros), the assumption of guarantees or the joining of associations or companies.
As a rule, the Board of Directors meets once per semester. The term of office is three years. Re-election for a second term is possible.
The student representatives on the Administrative Board are elected by the Student Parliament, the other representatives by the Senate of the respective university.
Do you want to get involved in the administrative board of the Studentenwerk SH? Then write to us at geschaeftsstelle.ki@studentenwerk.sh.
In our dormitories in Schleswig-Holstein, student dormitory councils are involved in organizing life together within the dormitories and designing and managing the communal facilities. The dormitory councils are contact persons for the dormitory residents and support especially students with disabilities and international students. As self-governing bodies, they determine how the money available to them is used.
In addition, the dormitory councils send representatives to the "Student Housing" Board of Trustees, to the Central Admissions Committee of the Student Union, and to general dormitory admissions committees. Through these committees, the dorm councils can work with the Studentenwerk SH to shape the dorms in Schleswig-Holstein.
If you are interested in helping to shape your dorm, contact your Heimrat. The election of the Heimrat takes place at the general assemblies.
The Studentenwerk SH has a loan fund (Link: Studienfinanzierung > Abschlussdarlehen) for students who are in financial need during the last phase of their studies. If you would like to get involved with your fellow students, you can become a student member of the award committee.
You will need about one hour of your time per month to meet with the committee for this volunteer position. If demand for the loan is high, you may have two appointments per month.
A prerequisite for serving on the Awards Committee is reliability and a willingness to sign a confidentiality agreement.
We are always looking for residence tutors for our halls of residence in Kiel, Lübeck and Flensburg. You will support international students and help to organise life in the halls of residence.
You can find detailed information in the job adverts for the individual locations.
Job advertisement residence tutor Kiel
Job advertisement residence tutor Lübeck
Job advertisement student tutor Flensburg