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Commercial department

Ein Mann und zwei Frauen lächeln und schauen auf einen Computer. Im Hintergrund ein Schrank mit Ordnern, auf dem eine Pflanze steht, vor einer weißen Backsteinwand.

The commercial department of the Studentenwerk SH is made up of financial accounting, rental accounting, controlling and purchasing. The Service Point in Kiel is also managed by the department.

The financial and rental accounting team records and books all business transactions of the Studentenwerk. Furthermore, the tasks of this department include the preparation and execution of the annual financial statement and the tax returns as well as the cooperation in the preparation of the annual report, the liquidity control and the loan administration.

At the Service Point, an information point in Mensa I in Kiel, students can obtain general basic information and tips on the service areas of university catering, housing, educational support (BAföG), counseling/family/international affairs and communication and culture of the Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein.

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