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Happy Birthday to us!

Das Bild zeigt den Eingangsbereich der Mensa I in Kiel. Über dem Eingang hängt ein blaues Schild auf dem „Studentenwerk SH. Wir sind dein Rückenwind“ steht. Am rechten Bildrand ist der angrenzende Sechseckbau zu sehen. Drei Studenten kommen gerade au

What has happened so far ...

Over 100 years of company history, during which a lot has happened. In our timeline you can travel back to the founding of the company and follow its development up to the present day. We have rummaged through archives and found impressive testimonies that bring the past back to life.

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At a glance!


The Studentenwerk SH is celebrating its 101st anniversary this month. To mark the occasion, students will be surprised with numerous special events and promotions throughout 2023. Due to the Corona ...
On 8 November, the City of Kiel, together with the Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein, invited guests to the University Reception in Kiel's City Hall. ...
Come by!

What we have planned:

No events at the moment

On the trail of the Student Union

A Digital Scavenger Hunt through Kiel

You can find many places from the history of the Studentenwerk SH in Kiel. With our digital scavenger hunt via "Actionbound", you can follow the exciting traces from the past that will lead you into the future.
We recommend taking the tour by bike, as some interesting places have accumulated over 101 years.

2 junge Frauen und ein junger Mann blicken zentral auf ein Smartphone, darüber ein QR-Code
Blick in die Cafeteria der neuen Mensa am Westring 1967 sw
Cafeteria of the refectory at Westring 1967. Photo: Studentenwerk SH

Did you already know?

In 101 years, many things from the past are lost or forgotten. We have taken a look at our history to find some particularly exciting and unusual facts about the Studentenwerk. A picture gallery shows our selection.

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